
1. Traducir

  1. Peter sits between María and Sarah.
  2. They always fall asleep in the subway.
  3. I don't remember where my keys are.
  4. Javier comes to the city every week.
  5. Yesterday, our brother slept for 10 hours.
  6. She wants to travel to Uruguay.
  7. You (form., sing.) feel sad.
  8. Last night, they wanted to go to the movies.
  9. Do you (form., pl.) prefer tea or coffee?
  10. I do not understand James.
  11. Ana usually leaves her office at 7 PM.
  12. The students lie to the teacher all the time.
  13. I always find beautiful things in that store.
  14. On Sundays, we always have lunch at the same restaurant.
  15. Our mother prefers to stay (at) home.
  16. You lost your jacket on Sunday.
  17. I think (that) you have to study more.
  18. I always have fun on Saturday nights.

2. Write a short essay

Choose a person. Describe this person in a very exaggerated manner, heavily using the suffix -ísimo/a.

3. Traducir

  1. This restaurant doesn't accept credit cards.
  2. The waiter has the dessert for me.
  3. Juan ate a first course, a second course, and a dessert for ten euros.
  4. Do you (form., sing.) want chopsticks or do you prefer a fork and a knife?
  5. On March 19th, the restaurant closed because of the hurricane.
  6. This restaurant has at least (al menos) fifty customers (clientes) per night.
  7. When we were living in Vietnam, we would always eat with our friends in the market.
  8. When Ana was living in the U.S., she used to like to eat hamburgers.
  9. I used to be a doctor, but now I am a lawyer. I used to work at a hospital, but now I work at an office.
  10. Michael and I had a coffee in the restaurant near my office.
  11. I went to Carla's party last weekend. She was very happy and the food was delicious.

4. Traducir. Puedes usar un diccionario para buscar las palabras que no conoces.

  1. On May 22nd, there was a party in my apartment.
  2. I arrived at the house. My mother was watching TV and my father was cooking in the kitchen.
  3. There was an interesting concert last Saturday at Lincoln Center.
  4. At the party, there was a lot of food. Also, there were musicians playing music.
  5. There was a book on the table.
  6. There were two cats at Peter's apartment.
  7. There was music at the restaurant. At 6 PM, there was a magic show (espectáculo de magia).
  8. I dance salsa perfectly.
  9. I run rapidly and Irene runs slowly.
  10. When I was living in Valencia, I used to go to the beach a lot.
  11. While I was writing, my dog was sleeping.
  12. When I was a kid, I used to play the piano every day.
  13. Fortunately, my aunt visited my brother last week. When we were living in Bogotá, she would never visit my brother.
  14. Surprisingly, my friend Peter and his wife were happy.
  15. My cousin James was always sad when he would sing out of tune (desafinado) at the karaoke.

5. Números ordinales










6. Comentario de texto

Mis abuelos

Mi abuelo Francisco era un hombre amable.[1] Trabajaba en el campo.[2] Cada día se levantaba a las cuatro de la mañana para ir a regar[3] las tierras que tenía —el suministro[4] de agua era limitado; la Diputación de Guipúzcoa abría el canal por solo un par de horas cada mañana—. Vivía en una pequeña casita con mi abuela Manuela. La casita tenía un cuarto, una sala, un baño y una cocina muy pequeña. En la casa también había un piano —mi abuela tocaba el piano—.

Recuerdo que mi abuela cocinaba muy bien. Cada viernes, ella preparaba habichuelas[5] con carne. Eran deliciosas, me gustaban muchísimo.

Mi abuela no trabajaba. Ella se quedaba en la casa, limpiaba, lavaba la ropa, hablaba con otras vecinas... eran otros tiempos, ninguna[6] de sus amigas trabajaba tampoco —a excepción de doña Matilde, que tenía una tienda y ahí trabajaba—.

Mi abuelo y mi abuela eran muy religiosos —eran católicos—, e iban a la iglesia cada domingo. El cura[7] del pueblo se llamaba don Ramón, y era un hombre bueno y amable. A veces, él comía en casa de mis abuelos los domingos, y yo también comía con ellos. Don Ramón contaba historias de cuando trabajaba en un hospital antes de ser cura.

¡Pasaba muy buenos ratos[8] visitando a mis abuelos en el pueblo!

[1] Kind

[2] Field/land

[3] To water

[4] Supply

[5] Beans

[6] None

[7] Priest

[8] Pasar un buen rato - to have a good time


  1. ¿A qué hora se levantaba normalmente el abuelo de la persona del texto?
  2. ¿Por qué se levantaba tan temprano?
  3. ¿Qué comida preparaba la abuela de la persona del texto los viernes?
  4. ¿Por qué no trabajaba la abuela de la persona del texto?
  5. ¿Qué hacían los abuelos de la persona del texto cada domingo?
Progress, Vol. 3
Progress, all volumes