
1. Traducir. Puedes usar un diccionario para buscar las palabras que no conoces.

  1. I sit on a chair every morning.
  2. They close the store at 10 PM.
  3. He lies a lot.
  4. I think (that) your cat is ugly.
  5. I prefer chocolate ice cream.
  6. She feels tired.
  7. I go to bed at 11 PM.
  8. You (form., sing.) dream every night.
  9. I fall asleep on the sofa almost every day.
  10. You (form., pl.) return to your house at 6 PM.
  11. She finds a dog in the park.
  12. He can run a lot.
  13. I fly to Canada with my wife.

2. Traducir, usando imperfecto. Puedes usar un diccionario para buscar las palabras que no conoces.

  1. I always used to eat at Charly's.
  2. When I was in high school, I used to have a car.
  3. I used to go to Queens once a week when I was living in Brooklyn.
  4. I used to have a cat.
  5. We would always play soccer (fútbol) on Mondays.
  6. In college, I would always get up at 7:30 AM.
  7. When I was working at the hospital, I would always work from 7 PM to 7 AM and I would go to bed at 9 AM.
  8. I used to know everyone (todos) in the city.
  9. I used to know Francisco. He used to have a cat and a big house in Boston.

3. Responder

Cuando eras pequeño/a:

  1. ¿Comías mucho chocolate?
  2. ¿Nadabas cada domingo en la playa?
  3. ¿Te gustaba comer fruta?
  4. ¿Te gustaba la escuela?
  5. ¿Montabas en bicicleta todos los días?
  6. ¿Tocabas un instrumento?
  7. ¿Por las noches leías cuentos (fairy tales)?
  8. ¿Hacías mucho deporte (sport)?
  9. ¿Te gustaban las verduras?

4. Write a short essay

Tell us everything you used to do when you were a child. You can make it up.

Progress, Vol. 3
Progress, all volumes