
1. Traducir. Puedes usar un diccionario.

  1. Mike doubts that the red car is mine.
  2. I know that house is hers.
  3. Is that book yours?
  4. I hope she has visited my house. It's large, it's beautiful, and it's mine.
  5. I hope Peter tells me that this is ours.
  6. Are these jewels theirs?
  7. It's not mine, it's yours.
  8. Is that book his? I doubt he has written a book.
  9. I would go to the party, but I am really busy.
  10. If I had a house on the beach, I would go there every weekend.
  11. If my sister visited me more often, I would have a better relationship with her.
  12. I don't know how my life would be if I lived in Los Angeles; it would probably be very different.

2. Si yo tuviera veinte millones de dólares compraría una casa para mi madre

Explicar cinco cosas que harías si tuvieras veinte millones de dólares en el banco.

💂 Explain five things you would do if you had twenty million dollars in the bank.

3. Responder. Puedes usar un diccionario.

  1. ¿Estarías más feliz si trabajaras menos horas al día?
  2. ¿Te gustaría ir más al gimnasio?
  3. ¿Piensas que Estados Unidos sería un país mejor si la universidad no fuera tan cara?
  4. Si pudieras elegir dónde vivir, ¿vivirías en la ciudad en la que vives ahora?
  5. ¿Te gustaría leer más libros?
  6. Si pudieras ser un animal, ¿serías un pájaro?
  7. Si pudieras volver atrás en el tiempo, ¿habrías elegido una carrera diferente?
  8. Si pudieras elegir entre poder volar y ser invisible, ¿qué superpoder elegirías?
  9. ¿Te gustaría saber tocar la guitarra y el piano?
  10. ¿Estarías menos estresado/a si tomaras menos café?
  11. ¿Piensas que si los jugadores de béisbol profesionales no ganaran tanto dinero no jugarían tan bien?

4. Traducir

  1. If I had known, I would not be here.
  2. I would go to the movie theater tonight if I didn't have to work tomorrow.
  3. She would be happier if she had a better job.
  4. If my family lived in Asia, I would not visit them that much.
  5. If I had not been there that night, I would have never met you.
  6. If my dog were bigger, I would be afraid of him.
  7. If my city was less expensive, I would live in three-bedroom apartment.
  8. If I had studied medicine, I would be a doctor now.
  9. If Sara had a dog, I would go to her house with my chihuahua on Sundays.
Progress, Vol. 5
Progress, all volumes