Level 5: Subjunctive, Conditional and Imperative

Level 5: Subjunctive, Conditional and Imperative

If you are confident speaking in the past, present and future tenses and have a wide vocabulary, you should take Level 5.

In this level, you will work hard on the subjunctive mood, the conditional structure, and the commands. You will learn how to approach complex sentences and you will be reading and writing at a relatively high complexity level.

To take this level, you should have scored at least 21 points on our Online Placement Test and/or completed Level 4.

How it works

1. Find a class that works for you and enroll. You can book more classes now or later.
2. Follow the instructions to join the video conference room on the day of your class.

Course Content

Lesson 1: Repaso

En esta lección repasaremos todos los conceptos de los niveles 1-4 (tiempos verbales, pronombres, etc.)

Lesson 2: El modo subjuntivo, primera parte

En esta lección aprenderás a conjugar y usar el presente de subjuntivo.

Lesson 3: El modo subjuntivo, segunda parte

En esta lección aprenderás a conjugar y usar el imperfecto de subjuntivo.

Lesson 4: Subjuntivo + tiempos compuestos

En esta lección aprenderás a usar los tiempos compuestos en modo subjuntivo. También aprenderás a usar los adjetivos y pronombres posesivos.

Lesson 5: Condicional

En esta lección aprenderás a usar los diferentes tiempos condicionales del español.

Lesson 6: Repaso del condicional

En esta lección repasaremos el uso de los tiempos y las construcciones condicionales.

Lesson 7: El imperativo

En esta lección aprenderás a conjugar y usar el imperativo.

Lesson 8: Voz pasiva + verbos similares a gustar

En esta lección repasaremos el imperativo y aprenderemos a usar la voz pasiva y algunos verbos similares a gustar.

Lesson 9: Repaso

En esta lección repasaremos todo el material de las lecciones 1-8. Después de esta lección recibirás un examen.

Lesson 10: Más repaso y práctica

En esta lección practicarás con tu profesor y tus compañeros de clase el uso de todo el material que has aprendido en este nivel. Ahora sabes usar el subjuntivo, el condicional y el imperativo correctamente. ¡Enhorabuena!

Reviews from our students

Darian Woods
star 3.0
Course had a patient and well-prepared teacher (Mónica), but too much material was crammed into 10 weeks, making it very hard to learn.
Fred Wellisch
star 4.0
As I have written before, Nicolas is a fantastic and engaged instructor. Here are my thoughts about Level 5. First of all, I would recommend that students be strongly urged to take a conversation class after Level 4 so that they can master - or at least have more practice with - the indicative in its various forms before jumping into the subjunctive. I also think that Level 5 has so much new - and difficult material - in it that Berges should consider spreading out the material a bit more by creating a sixth level. At the very least, Berges should consider deleting some of the reading comprehension selections and substituting more exercises/homework on the subjunctive and conditional.
Steve Albert
star 4.0
Having completed level 5 I feel like I have a solid grounding in the essentials of Spanish grammar, and I'm ready to move on to a focus on vocabulary building and conversation. The material was presented clearly and explained well during class time.
Zoe Isaacson
star 5.0
I loved this course. I really needed to brush up on my Spanish grammar and this course did it for me. It was an excellent review for me.
Darian Woods
star 2.0
Too much complex material to effectively learn in 10 weeks, on top of all the concepts we haven't solidified from previous courses.
Emily Hope
star 5.0
I have learned so much with Berges. Level 5 is very fast paced! I wish there was more time to practice together in class as the content needs a lot of revision.
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